BuzzAd CPA Integration Test

How to Test

1. Drag the following link to Bookmark Bar and save.

Buzzad integration test

2. Enter the ad landing page URL BuzzAd is integrated in the box below and press the button. A test page will open in a new window.

* Important : Please check if the landing page is the one which integration code is inserted in; it might immediately redirect to another page, so the page you worked on might not be the same as the landing page.

Especially, please check if the landing page URL changes automatically in mobile environment.
- Chrome developer tools(Mac: alt+cmd+i / Window: F12) >
- Toggle Device Tool bar(Mac: cmd+shift+M / Windows: Ctrl+shift+M) >
- In the Emulated Devices option on the top bar, select Galaxy S5 instead of Responsible >
- Refresh the page and check mobile url in the address bar.

If the URLs are unidentical, please refer to Step1 FAQ for detailed explanation.

3. Click bookmark in the test page. If success message appears, please proceed to the action completion stage.

4. If a success alert appears in the action completion stage, test until Step2 is completed!

* Important : Please check the moment the alert appears as well. Double check if the alert appears on the stage the ad intended.

5. Please notify the Buzzvil manager that integration is completed. The manager will go through final test and execute the ad if successfully tested.

* If the success alert does not appear in either stage, debug according to the FAQ of each stage in the integration guide.

* Please let the Buzzvil manager know after completing Step2 integration test.